Senior Man With Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis, then you probably have heard of Uric acid before. Your body creates Uric acid when it breaks down purines, which is a normally produced chemical by the body, but is also found in some food and drinks such as liver, beer, peas, anchovies and dried beans. Jagged uric acid crystals form, which causes pain and inflammation in joint tissues. Some herbs are able to work miracles when it comes to eliminating these uric acid crystals and relieving pressure. The following list of herbs, foods and liquids can naturally slow the progress of Uric acid buildup. Natural remedies are helpful if you are not at the stage of arthritis where you require medication, but are experiencing discomfort.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is often used in folk medicine for treating aching joints. When used regularly, this miracle liquid can help soothe your joints and take some of the swelling away. Be warned: apple cider vinegar is very pungent, and it takes time to get used to its smell.

You can add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of lukewarm water. Apple cider vinegar has a myriad of health benefits, and this mixture of vinegar and water can be drunk daily. You can also soak a piece of cloth or a bandage in the apple cider vinegar and apply to your aching joints. Repeat this treatment every morning and evening, or as often as needed. 

Burdock Root:

According to “The Essential Book of Herbal Medicine” burdock reduces inflammation, assists in proper elimination of urine which harbors uric acid, and eliminates toxins carried through the bloodstream. Burdock root is useful for treating arthritis and its associated conditions. Burdock root is also an effective remedy for gout. It is recommended by health experts to put 20-30 drops of burdock root tincture in 9 ounces of water 3-4 times a day. The treatment should continue over the period of a few days.


This tropical fruit is choc-full of bromelain, an enzyme that reduces swelling. Pineapple juice strengthens your joints and also assists in relieving arthritis-related pain. Plus it tastes great! Try adding it to a fruit smoothie, or drink it on it’s own if you like.

Lemon Juice:

Lemon Juice with Lemons

It’s a common myth that lemon juice tends to make the body more acidic, but believe it or not, it creates an alkaline environment that helps to eliminate uric acid. Vitamin C is crucial when it comes to lowering uric acid levels. Lemons are packed with Vitamin C!

For best results, add freshly squeezed lemon to a glass of warm water, and drink the lemon water in the morning before you have consumed anything else. Consuming this drink for several weeks will procure the best results. Vitamin C supplements can also be beneficial. Consult your doctor for the proper dosing.

If you do not enjoy lemons you can always take Vitamin C supplements, or eat other things high in Vitamin C, like strawberries, guava, mango, oranges, bell pepper, and broccoli.


You can use Calendula in several ways, or you can combine some of the methods that work best for you for optimal results. Calendula can be can be used in a warm compress to ease joint pain. Sometimes, people use the calendula’s leaves to make tea! You can also prepare a hot bath and add some calendula leaves and flowers to the water for relaxation and relief. It is an excellent remedy when it comes to strengthening your joints and preventing diseases, and can be used as often as needed. 


You can use parsley as part of a salad, but you can also use it to make teas. This tea is most likely what you are looking for if you’ve been searching for an herbal solution to your health problem. Drinking parsley tea on a regular basis helps eliminate uric acid buildup in the tissue of your joints. It’s especially effective when paired with mulberry juice.

Drink Plenty of Water:

Water with fruit in a glass

When it comes time to pick something to drink, water is the best choice. Water stimulates the kidneys to remove toxic buildups and excessive uric acid. Water is a basic human necessity and drinking more is often the better choice than drinking less.

Try to eat foods with high percentage of water, and drink around 3 liters of water a day. If you struggle to drink water, try buying flavored water drops to encourage proper hydration. You can add many of the natural remedies for joint pain to your daily dose of water.

With proper consumption and application, these home remedies can be extremely helpful, and will greatly improve your ease of living.
