Seniors in the park stretching

The correlation between activity and healthy living is widely understood and accepted. If one eats well and exercises, then a healthy body is sure to follow. One does not only have to do traditional exercises to achieve a healthy body. This is something that is not considered as often. If traditional activities are not physically feasible, it will benefit your health and well-being to find alternative ways to get your blood pumping. Exercise not only promotes a healthy body, but also a happy and healthy mind.

NPR has explained that those who exercise for fun tend to receive 95 percent more of the benefits than just exercising out of necessity. NPR suggests finding low-impact and low-stress versions of one’s favorite activities. For those who like to hike try and take a stroll every morning, and for those who like to play tennis take a trip down to the tennis court for a fun a stress free game. Exercising helps to relieve stress, and should be considered a helpful activity instead of a chore.

Those who should pay the most attention to health sustainability are those who are 65+.

The Importance of Adults Staying Active

Despite the common knowledge that exercise promotes a healthy and happy life, the biggest road block for many people is actually choosing what exercises will most benefit them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highly recommend that each adult does at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. That is about 20 minutes of light walking, jogging, biking, or swimming each day in order to enhance the overall quality of life. In addition to this, the CDC also recommends taking the time to complete muscle strengthening exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups.

Seniors doing stretches

The most important organ in the body is the heart and it is important to consider what exercises best strengthen it. Exercises that elevate the heart rate force it to work harder, which strengthens it and keeps it healthy. One should think of the heart as a house. Houses must be maintained to keep them clean and livable. The heart is the same way, and must be constantly maintained through exercise. Cardiovascular exercise will reduce the risk of fat buildup, as well as high cholesterol in the arteries. This will reduce the risk of potential hospital visits due to a stroke or a heart attack.

The most important reason to exercise is not for the weight loss, but for the reduction of potential life-threatening diseases. The lack of a healthy lifestyle can increase the chance of obtaining type 2 diabetes in addition to several types of cancer. This increase in the risk of disease is due to visceral fat growth. Visceral fat commonly grows within the abdominal cavities that surround many vital organs, such as your liver, stomach, and colon..

The Importance of Senior Citizens Staying Active

Studies have shown that senior citizens can gain a lot when practicing physical exercise. One of exercise’s the important benefits is the delaying of potential diseases. Scientists have proved that physical exercise can delay diseases and disabilities. Even chronic conditions can be stalled or avoided through exercise.

One of the most beneficial forms of exercise that should be practiced as a senior is walking. Taking a 20 minute stroll around the park or neighborhood not only improves balance, but also helps build the immune system that prevents common illnesses.

Retired Seniors Staying Active

For both seniors and adults, constant motion in the body improves the overall quality of life. Not only does exercise help one feel physically strong and fit, but exercise also improves mental health. Regular exercise also improves sleep quality because the body is expending its natural store of energy. As seniors’ ease of mobility decrease, it can be difficult to expend enough energy to create an optimal sleep state. A full sleep cycle increases mental alertness as well as overall mood. A boost in one’s mood can also brighten up a work, home, or classroom environment.

Recommended Exercises

One should do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each day. This can include walking, biking, and swimming which also improve balance. In addition to this, seniors should participate in strength training at least twice a week to avoid muscle deterioration. The biggest piece of advice that any senior citizen could take into consideration is that exercise should be looked at as a positive activity and not as a negative activity. To receive the full benefits of exercise, one must enjoy it, rather than feel forced to complete it. No matter what level of strength, there are benefits to completing even the easiest of exercises or physical activities.

One of the most important outcomes and benefits of consistent exercise and movement is a boost in self-esteem. Confidence is something that is vital to one’s overall mood. Those with confidence tend to excel with their job, school, and their various social circles. Confidence allows one to feel as though they can tackle anything. Exercising with the goal of overall well-being is advised. Contact a doctor before performing any extremely rigorous activity or exercise if physical limitations are present.